Eliminate extreme poverty:
Reduce the cost of our targeting ultra poor programme and scale it up to graduate over half a million households out of extreme poverty.
Financially empower people living in poverty:
Strengthen client protection mechanisms and expand financial education services to all clients.
Skills and decent work for underprivileged women and men:
Equip 500,000 young people (50% women, 10% person with disabilities and minority groups) with skills training and link them to decent jobs or entrepreneurship.
Resilience to climate change and emergency response capacity:
Establish ourselves as a leading humanitarian response entity, helping people adapt to (and mitigate, when applicable) climate change. Integrate climate change adaptability in all programmes.
Gender equality:
Reduce violence, increase men’s engagement and increase gender parity within CIPS through integrated actions for women’s empowerment across programmes. Create a gender resource centre to provide technical support to programmes.
Pro-poor urban development:
Deliver customised, affordable and quality basic services for people living in urban poverty. Mobilise communities to be more aware of their rights. Advocate for safe, affordable and quality transportation and pro-poor urban governance.
Universal healthcare access and improved nutrition:
Address emerging health problems, like non-communicable diseases, increase the professionalism of frontline services and introduce a wide range of for-profit products and services.
Invest in the next generation through early childhood and improved education quality:
Enhance quality of and access to education at all levels and advocate for quality education nationally. Free schools will become fee-based, with vouchers for those living in extreme poverty.